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Hoop – Body – Space

workshop hula hoop intermediate
Table of Contents


Zirkus Quartier Franken e.V. presents:
Three days of hooping, exploring and playing with Perrine Budan

Date13.-15. November 2023
Time9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Location Kinder- und Jugendhaus Klüpfel
Leitzstraße 10


  1. Hoop Body Space

    Day 1

    This first day explores a use of space and movement with hoop manipulation. We’ll see how these tools can lead us to improvisational movement and to highlight our flow and stage presence.
  2. Hoop technics

    Day 2

    We will go through off body exploration (balance, coinflip, bounce), 2 hoops exploration (horizontal - vertical flow) and 3 hoops exploration (Bramson rolls and other stuff). The goal will be to discover news tricks, or variations to yours and off course kipping in mind the work on movement to practice them.
  3. Collective work - Solo work

    Day 3

    A first part we’ll be dedicated to a collective work research, what can we do with several bodies and few hoops? How can we move, juggle, manipulate objects in a small group? We will use movement and technics we learned together and some juggling to create together In a second part, we’ll see how can we integrate the work of day 1 and day 2 into short solo sequences that contain the nature of the work on movement.

Precondition to come

To be comfortable with basics movements with hoops, to have a taste for research and body expression.

Perrine Budan

Artist, juggler, clown. After juggling with concepts in her philosophy studies, she starts to juggle with hoops in 2015. She worked in different street theatre company in France and build her own project Debout Dehors in 2020 where she works on visual and physical performance,objects manipulation and «picture» theater.

Photos: © Camille La Verde